
Manage Time off request

This guide explains how to manage, approve, or reject vacations, and sick leave requests for subordinates.

ℹ️ The following permissions are needed there:
Manage time-off requests
Cancel documented sick leave and additional vacations

Approving or Rejecting Day-off Requests

  1. Accessing Pending Requests
    • Managers with the necessary permissions, as assigned through the Approval Tree, will see their subordinates’ requests in the Pending Request section on the sidebar.
    • To approve or reject another user’s request for a day off or sick leave, navigate to the Pending Request tab.
  2. Viewing Pending Requests
    • In this tab, you will see the number of active requests waiting for your review.
    • Once you open the tab, all necessary information about each request will be displayed, including the type of request and the date the employee has requested.
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  1. Approving or Rejecting a Request
    • To approve or reject a request, click on the corresponding row for that specific request.
    • If the employee works on multiple projects, approval from all managers is required. If at least one manager rejects the request, it will automatically move to the Completed section with the status “Declined.”
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  1. Handling Sick Leave with Documentation
    • For requests marked as Documented sick leave, approval is required from both the Project Manager and HR.
    • In such cases, the system follows a specific rule: the Project Manager must approve the request first, and only then can HR either approve or reject it.
  2. Completed Requests
    • All processed requests will be moved to the Completed tab, where you can view their final status.