
Request management

This guide provides the steps to create a request for an associate to fulfil a project need.

Creating a Request for an Associate for Project Needs

ℹ️The following permissions are needed there:
Request and release a team member
View all requests and releases or View only my requests and releases
  1. Navigate to the Availability → Requests Tab: Go to the “Availability” section and select the “Requests” tab.
  2. Click “Create Request”:
    • Click on the “Create Request” button.
    • Note: Ensure the project is already created before submitting a request for it.
  1. Fill in Project Details:
    • Project: Select the project from the dropdown menu.
    • Project Status: This is set automatically but can be changed if the assignment type (e.g., internal) differs from the default status.
    • Project Manager: Select the project manager from the dropdown.
  2. Fill in Requested Member Details:
    • Start and End Date: Set the start and end dates for the planned assignment.
    • Planned Loading hrs/day or hrs/week: Enter the planned number of hours per week. This value will be used for assignment creation.
    • Requested Type (Optional): Choose “Rotation” or “New Business” if applicable.
    • Requested Member: Select a specific member if known, or select “any” if you need a general request.
    • Department: If a specific member is chosen, the department will be set automatically. If “any” is selected, specify the department or type of service needed.
    • English Level (Optional): Specify the English proficiency level required for the assignment.
    • Grade (Optional): Indicate the grade level required for the role.
    • Fee (Optional): Enter the maximum fee for the position, if applicable.
    • Location (Optional): Add any location-specific requirements for the associate.
    • Tech Stack (Optional): Provide details on the technology stack required for the project.
    • Description (Optional): Add any additional information or details regarding the request.
  3. Click “Send”: Once all fields are filled in, click “Send” to submit the request.
  4. Verify Request Creation: The new request will appear in the list on the Requests page.

If the request is created for a specific member, the assignment is displayed on the Planner. After approving the request, the assignment with the status that was set in Project Status will be active.