
Setting Internal Rate for an Associate

This guide provides instructions for setting and managing the internal rate for an associate, which is their salary used for future payments. 

📓The rate is automatically pro-longed if it isn’t changed.
ℹ️ The following permissions are needed there:
– View internal rates of Board
– Manage internal rates of Board
– View internal rates of Delivery category members
– Manage internal rates of Delivery category members
– View internal rates of Delivery Managers
– Manage internal rates of Delivery Managers
– View internal rates of Staffing Managers
– Manage internal rates of Staffing Managers
– View internal rates of Corporate Functions category members
– Manage internal rates of Corporate Functions category members

General info

  • Internal Rate: The salary or hourly rate used for calculating an associate’s pay.
  • Automatic Prolongation: It will apply automatically if the rate isn’t updated.

Adding an Internal Rate

  1. Navigate to Teams → ERP Members: Go to the “Teams” section and select “ERP Members.”
  2. Find the Associate: Locate the associate whose rate you want to set.
  3. Open Associate Details: Click on the associate’s row to view their details.
  4. Select the Rate Tab: Navigate to the “Rate” tab within the associate’s profile.
Setting Internal Rate-1
  1. Click “Add Rate” or “Add Salary”:
    1. Add Rate: Set an hourly rate used to calculate salary based on the formula: 

S =Hourly rate * Working hours per day * Number of Working days in the month

  1. Add Salary: Set a monthly salary rate, which is used to calculate an hourly rate using the formula: 

HR =Salary / (Working hours per day * Number of Working days in the month)

  1. Fill in Rate/Salary and Period: Enter the Hourly Rate or Salary.
Setting Internal Rate-2
  1. Specify the Period: You can select a start month if the rate/salary applies in the future, or set both start and end months.
  2. Note: You cannot select a future period beyond the set start month due to automatic prolongation.
  3. Save the Rate: Click “Save” to confirm the new rate.
  4. Verify the Rate: The newly added rate will be listed on the Rate tab page.

Editing an Internal Rate

  1. Access the Rate for Editing:
    • Locate the rate entry you want to edit.
    • Click directly on the input field to make changes.
  2. Modify Field Values: Update the necessary values (Hourly Rate, Salary, or Period).
  3. Automatic Application: Changes are automatically applied once edited.

Setting Internal Rate-3

Important Notes:

  • Rates Cannot Be Removed or Archived: Once set, a rate entry cannot be deleted or archived.
  • Grouped Rates: Identical rates for the same periods are grouped. You can view them by expanding the row.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and set the internal rates for associates, ensuring accurate and up-to-date salary calculations.