
What grades are provided on CEP?

It is recommended to you use levels in Competency matrices that correspond to associates grades in ERP/HRM systems

What matrices are used for the review?

The matrices uploaded for corresponding Departments in Competency matrices in the Review section are used for the review; department leads and sdo-a`s make them. Usually, matrices are formed in Confluence space and downloaded in HTML format for future uploading.

Is it possible to skip some of the questions if the contractor goes through the review, not for the first time?

During the review, CEP shows only those questions that correspond to the selected grade, so you cannot skip them.

What should I do if the contractor scored more than needed?

CEP calculates the grade based on the points that the contractor has scored in accordance with the grade that has been specified in the review assignment.

If your contractor rescored points by grade (for example, if the person attempted to get a Junior grade, but they turned out to get a Middle level), the reviewer can switch the slider and leave a general comment at the end of the review (there you can indicate that you recommend a grade and clarify a reason).

What if I am a reviewer?

You should agree with the contractor (+ HR) on the date of the event,

After, you may follow the link from the notification letter (the right to schedule remains with the reviewer, for convenience).